Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sue Happy Society

Once I had finished reading this article on how a family from Omaha is suing the city because of a death of a family member it got me thinking about how “sue happy” our society has become. In the article it explains that a man was seen getting out of his car on July 22, 2004, on a rain-flooded street. The man either fell or was swept off the road into a drain culvert in southwest Omaha. The city of Omaha has agreed to pay 207, 500 dollars to the family of the man who died. The family filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city, saying the city failed to mark the ditch or put up a barrier to protect passers-by. How can someone sue a city for a reason like this? Why did the guy even get out of his car in a situation like this? If there was sign marking the ditch or some kind of barrier do you really think that it would have stopped a person from floating off the road into the ditch. The family is receiving 207,500 dollars for their lost family member because of the lack of a sign. Does receiving a large amount of money bring back your family member? It is amazing to look at how many people sue after things that happen in today’s society. I have even heard of someone suing McDonalds because the coffee they purchased from them burned their mouth and the cup did not have a warning on the side. Not only did the family sue but they won. I do not understand how things like this can happen. I think that being able to sue for logical reasons is a great thing to have. It definitely makes people follow guidelines. However, now it is being abused. I think we have a serious problem on our hands as a society to stop this suing problem at hand and get it under control.