Monday, November 19, 2007

First Video

The Tootsie Roll song of 1994 was a hit. I can remember this being the first video I saw because I always thought it was the greatest. I had two older sisters and of course they thought it was cool, therefore I was forced to watch it. After seeing the video I of course was forced to perform the dance, “to the left, to the left, to right, to right…” Not one of my proudest moments by any means but at that time a definite step in the right direction toward coolness, I thought. I actually feel in love with the song at that young age of 6 or 7 and if I do say so myself I got pretty good at the dance. I remember being in the other room and hearing the song come on my sisters boom box or cd player and hurry to the that room to perform my dance skills.
As I look back on my time as a tootsie roll fanatic I wonder why anyone would let me do that kind of thing. The dance was an odd thing and the song a very different one. However, it is funny to look back on it now and remember that feeling that I felt when I finally learned the dance and the feeling of how old and cool I felt. It is fun to look back at that song and see how it was the craze of that time, the new hit dance of that ear and how it swept across the nation just like now a days with the Soulja Boy song and dance that made its way into the main stream. Maybe someday someone will be writing a paper about music videos from their child hood and they will be saying the same thing about the music and songs of today.


ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

I love this song! I actually forgot about it for awhile, but back in the day I listened to it all the time. My sister& I would dance to it all the time, because it was on one of the Jock Jams Cds. This is one of the first dance videos. I mean sure, now there are so many different ones: Soul ja Boy, 2 Step, Walk it out, and so on. But this one is just better. For one, it was made in the late ‘80s, so the outfits and hair alone are just great to watch. It is quite amusing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I definitely forgot about this song. My friends and I used to be obsessed with it back in middle school, the good ole’ days! I remember during middle school, my school had dances every once in a great while after school and my friends and I would always request this song and think we were “so hot” when we danced to it. Those used to be the best days ever, but now that I look back… I don’t know what I was ever thinking! And watching the video just makes me laugh because they’re so different from the videos now and my friends used to always think we could dance like them in the video.

ENG 001: Language & Writting said...

Grant this song is amazing one of the greatest first rap songs. I am actually really glad that you told me you liked this song you know maybe we could sit down and listen to this together. I am even more excited that you told me you used to do this dance because know I am going to crank this song in the locker room and you know you are going to have to do the dance. It’s funny to look at some of the earliest rap videos and listen to the song and think about how little rap songs have changed. Think about rap songs now all they do is tell you how to dance or cool dance moves to do like the superman!

ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

Ha! The best thing is...I just danced to this song on Friday for our formal! Songs like these always take me back to being a middle schooler decked out in glitter at one of the chaperoned dances. It's funny how many songs there are that come complete with dance instructions...and how they almost never fail to become a timeless DJ booth staple. There is The Electric Slide, The Macarena, of course The Tootsie Roll, now Soulja Boy, and probably countless others. They are so dorky but at the same time so don't really have to worry about looking like a fool while dancing, cause chances are, everyone around looks just as dumb as you! The best is when one of these songs comes on and there is someone on the floor trying to make the dance moves cool--or even more entertaining--sexy. It's definitely something that should never be attempted!